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MIND: Skill Remediation- Early Numeracy 

The MIND: Skill Remediation- Early Numeracy contains assessments and interventions that target foundational skill areas. Oral Counting Fluency, Number Identification Fluency, Number Writing Accuracy and Number Writing Fluency are "Gateway Skills". Once a student can successfully meet the prescribed benchmark criteria across these skills he/she will have mastered the necessary skills to engage with the mathematics language and build their numeracy skills. The student then transitions to building their "Numeracy Skills" with Dot-Number and Dot-Number-Total. Once a student can successfully meet the prescribed benchmark criteria across these skills he/she will have mastered the necessary skills and mathematics vocabulary to build their "Number Combination Skills." 


Step 1: Administer Early Numeracy Assessment


Print off MIND: EN Assessment Books. Each Assessment Book includes a student training protocol, the administration script, a fidelity protocol and the student's assessment probes. Following the scripted assessment guide administer the MIND: EN Assessments to student(s). The MIND: EN Oral Counting Fluency and Number Identification Fluency student training protocol, the administration script, the fidelity protocol and the interventionist's protocol can be found in the MIND: EN Assessment Guide. 












Step 2: Determine Student's Skill Deficit


The student's skill deficits are the skills they have not met mastery criteria on. Consult the MIND: EN Skill Hierarchy for decision rules.




Step 3: Collect Intervention Materials for Target Skill


Once a student's skill deficit in determined print the materials that target the skill they require remediation on. Print off the corresponding MIND: EN Intervention Book. Each Intervention Book includes a student training protocol, the administration script, a fidelity protocol and the student's intervention probes. 


Following the scripted intervention guide administer the MIND: EN Interventions to student(s). 


To Build Gateway Skills - These interventions target basic number skills. A student must first build accuracy then they can build fluency. 


Oral Counting Fluency 

Kindergarten: Accurately verbalizing numbers 1-10 in 10 seconds 

First Grade: Accurately verbalizing numbers 1-100 in 100 seconds 


Number Identification Fluency 

Kindergarten: Automatically identifying randomly administered numerals of 1-10 

First Grade: Automatically identifying randomly administered numerals of 1-100 


Number Writing Accuracy 

Kindergarten: Writing numbers 1-10 with 100% accuracy 

First Grade: Writing numbers 1-10 with 100% accuracy 


Number Writing Fluency

Kindergarten: Writing numbers 1-10 with 30 written Digits Correct Per Minute (DCPM)

First Grade: Writing numbers 1-10 with 60 written Digits Correct Per Minute (DCPM)


To Build Numeracy Skills - These interventions target numeracy skills and building mathematics vocabulary. The interventions build student's understanding of one-to-one correspondence and gradually introduces them to addition. 



Kindergarten: Responding with 100% accuracy and 10 DCPM 

First Grade: Responding with 100% accuracy and 10 DCPM 





Dot-Number-Total Set A

Kindergarten: Responding with 100% accuracy and 10 DCPM 

First Grade: Responding with 100% accuracy and 10 DCPM 





Dot-Number-Total Set B

Kindergarten: Responding with 100% accuracy and 10 DCPM 

First Grade: Responding with 100% accuracy and 10 DCPM 





Dot-Number-Total Set C

Kindergarten: Responding with 100% accuracy and 10 DCPM 

First Grade: Responding with 100% accuracy and 10 DCPM 





To Build Number Combination Skills



Kindergarten: Responding with 100% accuracy and 20 DCPM

First Grade: Responding with 100% accuracy and 40 DCPM 






© 2017 by Brian C. Poncy & Gary J. Duhon

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