Measures & Interventions for Numeracy Development
Resources for Early Numeracy & Computation Skills
The MIND is a set of empirically-validated resources designed to supplement core math instruction and provide intensive remediation targeting early numeracy and computation skills. These materials were created to present educators with low cost, short duration interventions that effectively increase early numeracy and computation skills.
Three scripted interventions were developed to be used in a tiered system of instruction. Facts on Fire is a school wide (Tier 1) application, Skill Remediation targets groups (Tier 2), and the Intensive Intervention program is for one on one work with individual students (Tier 3). To learn more about the MIND click the buttons located on the menu above or explore these programs by clicking the links below.
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Decision Making & Intervention Resources
Educational Resources

This website provides materials for schools to increase student math achievement and is largely geared toward implementation. If you find these materials useful, these interventions and many other topics are presented and discussed in Effective Math Interventions: A Guide to Improving Whole-Number Knowledge authored by Robin S. Codding, Robert J. Volpe, & Brian C. Poncy (Guilford Press; ISBN 978-1-4625-2828-8). This book is geared toward practitioners and is a great resource for teachers, math specialists, and school psychologists.
Description: It is critical for elementary school students to build a strong foundation of whole-number knowledge. The achievement of accurate and fluent responding with tasks requiring computational skills is essential to mathematical understanding and problem solving. Filling a gap for school practitioners, this book presents step-by-step guidelines for designing and implementing class-wide, small-group, and individual interventions for mathematics difficulties. Effective procedures for screening, assessment, intervention selection, and progress monitoring are described and illustrated with detailed case vignettes. This book is a fantastic resource that will build educators' understanding and skill set associated with using the MIND materials.
Author & Contact Information

Brian C. Poncy, PhD., is an Associate Professor in the College of Education at Oklahoma State University. He is a recipient of the 2005 Outstanding Dissertation Award from Division 16 (School Psychology) of the American Psychological Association and the School Psychology Review 2015 Honorable Mention Article of the Year. Dr. Poncy's research focuses on academic interventions and behavioral principles of learning, specifically in the area of mathematics. He teaches classes focusing on the design, selection, implementation, and evaluation of academic interventions and single-case research designs. He has published approximately 20 research articles and book chapters.
Please Contact via email at with any questions or comments concerning the MIND materials or the website.

Gary J. Duhon, Ph.D., is currently a Professor and Director of Training for the School Psychology PhD program at Oklahoma State University. His areas of research include response to intervention, direct behavioral interventions, academic intervention techniques and increasing treatment integrity of teacher run interventions. Dr. Duhon received his doctoral degree from Louisiana State University. He has worked with individual districts in Oklahoma and Louisiana to enhance pre-referral intervention procedures in an effort to reduce over referral concerns and enhance student achievement. He has also assisted in the design and implementation of response to intervention models in Oklahoma school districts.
Please contact via email at with any questions or comments concerning the MIND materials or the website
Recent Updates
As of August 2019:
Thanks for all of you who have been using our site. We are hopeful that you are finding our resources are easy to use and are beneficial for your students. The MIND: Early Numeracy Assessments and Interventions have recently been uploaded.
We appreciate any feedback on your experiences using the MIND website!